11 Strain Probiotic Powder 50g

£ 110.88

High Count, multi strain Acidophilus and Bifidus dietary supplement. 260 billion cfu’s /gram. Custom Probiotics has formulated an 11 strain Probiotic powder. It has similar health benefits to their six strain probiotic powder. (This formula is favored by people on the GAPS diet). Benefits of 11 Strain Probiotic Powder: Most powerful probiotic formulation we have Helps promote a well-balanced microbiome Better absorption of vitamins and nutrients Positive influence on intestinal and urogenital flora Maintenance of mucosal integrity Improvement of immune system Anti-carcinogenic, anti-mutagenic and anti-allergic activities Anti-Candida properties Assist in the regulation of inflammatory digestive conditions Positive influence on autistic children Provides antagonistic environment for pathogens Each pot is supplied with 2 measuring spoons:  0.8g spoon for adults and 0.1g spoon  for children.

  • Code: CP-2007
  • Availability: Out of Stock

High Count, multi strain Acidophilus and Bifidus dietary supplement. 260 billion cfu’s /gram.

Custom Probiotics has formulated an 11 strain Probiotic powder. It has similar health benefits to their six strain probiotic powder. (This formula is favored by people on the GAPS diet).

Benefits of 11 Strain Probiotic Powder:
Most powerful probiotic formulation we have
Helps promote a well-balanced microbiome
Better absorption of vitamins and nutrients
Positive influence on intestinal and urogenital flora
Maintenance of mucosal integrity
Improvement of immune system
Anti-carcinogenic, anti-mutagenic and anti-allergic activities
Anti-Candida properties
Assist in the regulation of inflammatory digestive conditions
Positive influence on autistic children
Provides antagonistic environment for pathogens

Each pot is supplied with 2 measuring spoons:  0.8g spoon for adults and 0.1g spoon  for children.

Serving Instructions

PROBIOTIC POWDERS FOR ADULTS: Start with one adult scoop (0.8 gram) of the probiotic powder first thing in the morning on an empty stomach (30 minutes prior to eating). Dissolve the powder in a glass of dechlorinated water and drink it. Do this ONCE a day only. Stay at this dosage for about 3-5 days.If you are not happy with the results, raise the dosage to two scoops a day, one in the morning and one at bedtime. After one week go to three scoops a day if you still are not getting the expected results. The highest dosage we recommend is four adult scoops a day. You can always lower the dosage or stop taking probiotics for a few days. PROBIOTIC POWDERS FOR CHILDREN: Start with one baby scoop (0.1 gram) of the probiotic powder first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Dissolve the powder in a glass of dechlorinated water and drink it. Stay at this dosage for about 3-5 days. If your child is not getting the expected results raise the dosage to one scoop in the morning and one scoop at bedtime. Stay at this dosage for one week. If you are still not happy with the results go up to 2 scoops in the morning and 2 scoops at bedtime. You can always lower the dosage or stop taking probiotics for a few days

Serving Size

Each adult scoop (0.8g equivalent to 224 billion cfu’s), and each child scoop (0.1g equivalent to 26 billion cfu’s), contains:


L. Acidophilus, Strain LA-14
L. Rhamnosus, Strain LR-32
L. Salivarius, Strain LS-33
L. Plantarum, Strain LP-115
L. Casei, Strain LC-11
L. Lactis, Strain LL-23
B. Breve, Strain BB-03
B. Infantis, Strain Bi-26
B. Longum, Strain BL-05
B. Bifidum, Strain Bb-06
B. Lactis, Strain BL-04

Does Not Contain

Does Not Contain
artificial preservatives, colours & flavourings


must be refrigerated to maintain maximum potency. You can however, travel with this probiotic supplement unrefrigerated for two to three weeks with very minimal bacterial count reduction

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